
I have 2 GitHub accounts, one for work and one for pleasure. But I only use the one laptop. So, switching from one account to another, in the terminal has always been a pain in the back. So I thought I’d work on finding a technical solution to this technical problem. And I built… Gitswitch!

What is it?

This script helps with users who have multiple GitHub profiles and require to switch between them on a regular basis. It currently works on Ubuntu (and other Linux distros) and supports 2 GitHub accounts only.

Some assumptions

I assume that you already have GitHub CLI installed (if not, check this page out) and that you are using Personal Access Tokens to connect to your GitHub account.

Some prep

Before installing Gitswitch, you might want to have the following info ready, for each account:

How it works

The script reads from the file gscurrent. If the content is profile1, it will replace the gitconfig files (.gitconfig and .git-credentials) with the config files of profile2 (and vice versa).

It’s not pretty, but it does the job. 👍

Installation and configuration

To install Gitswitch, follow the instructions below.

Let’s keep things clean. Head over to your Desktop:

cd ~/Desktop

Clone this repository:

git clone

and launch the setup:

bash ~/Desktop/gitswitch/

Follow the configuration instructions provided by the script.
Note: you will need some basic information about your accounts (check the pre-requisit section above).

Once you have installed and configured Gitswitch, let’s clean up after ourselves:

rm -r ~/Desktop/gitswitch

Switching profile

And finally, to switch profiles, simply open a terminal and type gitswitch. Follow the prompts and you’re good to go!

Gitswitch on GitHub

Check out the repo at