How to Enable / Configure Multi-Touch Gestures in Ubuntu 20.04 & Higher

I have been looking for this feature for a while and, whilst it does not really provide me with the “expose” feature I was originally looking for, it is a good step in the right direction.

The instructions below are taken from this page

Add the repository:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:touchegg/stable

Install Touche:

sudo apt install touchegg

Check it is running:

systemctl status touchegg.service

If not, run systemctl status touchegg.service && systemctl start touchegg.service

Install the graphical interface.

sudo apt install flatpak

flatpak install

Run Touche 👍️

You might need this down the line:

Remove Touche:

sudo apt remove --autoremove touchegg

Remove the repository:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:touchegg/stable

Remove the graphical interface:

flatpak uninstall --delete-data com.github.joseexposito.touche